MACBETH - directing and playing Lady Macbeth - Whitney Park in June (further performance details to come)

recent Past Projects:


  • Much Ado About Nothing: REVIEW
    “The resident Shakespearean had primed her cast of players from Green Bay, Appleton, Oshkosh, Seymour, Stevens Point and St. Paul for a go at a tale of love and deception, complete with music from a live band […] Director Carolyn Silverberg created in her players a sense of kinship and pleasure. The production was an accomplishment […]”

  • Romeo and Juliet: REVIEW
    “Trained in Shakespeare, director Carolyn Silverberg has a knack for igniting her casts to perform like cohesive companies. Here, again – one for all and all for Will – with vigor.”
    “This production proves again Green Bay has a Shakespeare company.”

  • Words Words Words part of a weekend of digital one-acts: REVIEW
    “Director Carolyn Silverberg induces her players to adopt the mannerisms of chimpanzees. That includes her, as Swift, studiously examining the bottom of one of her feet as if it were that moment’s most important thing on Earth”

  • The Taming of the Shrew: REVIEW
    “The players have been around the block in area theater, and in the Play-by-Play Theatre production, they responded to the really smart and clever and inventive guidance of director Carolyn Silverberg. The players acted as though they wanted to be their specific, quirky character who had something comically pithy to say. Carolyn Silverberg pointed them in the right direction”

  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream - Virtual: REVIEW
    “One of the experts is imbedded in a fluke of a project caused by the throttling grasp of the COVID-19 pandemic […] The production also speaks volumes about the gene in theater people that triggers adventure.”

  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream - Inaugural Theatre in the Park Production

A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Green Bay’s inaugural Theatre in the Park production, Whitney Park, June 30th 2019

A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Green Bay’s inaugural Theatre in the Park production, Whitney Park, June 30th 2019

The Taming of the Shrew at Heritage Hill State Historical Park, August 30th 2020

The Taming of the Shrew at Heritage Hill State Historical Park, August 30th 2020

Return to the Forbidden Planet (Play-by-Play Theatre in association with St. Norbert College Music Theatre)

Return to the Forbidden Planet (Play-by-Play Theatre in association with St. Norbert College Music Theatre)


  • Guys and Dolls (Adelaide): REVIEW
    “Catchy performances start with the four leads […] Carolyn Silverberg is all that can be asked for in one of the most indelible roles in musicals as Miss Adelaide, a ditsy showgirl with a way of turning phrases into spun-gold laughs.”
    “The advanced training of some key cast members surfaces in some brilliant singing and character building.”
    “William Shakespeare was extremely versatile with all that he wrote, so it fits right in that the creator and director of a Shakespeare company in Green Bay – Carolyn Silverberg – could splendidly do all in the do-all role of the singing/dancing comedy-driven, anger-firing sweetheart Miss Adelaide.”

  • All Together Now! A Global Event Celebrating Local Theatre: REVIEW
    “Chiefly, the songs are from the heart in lyrics and performance. Friday night, two singers especially erupted intensely – Carolyn Silverberg in ‘She Used to Be Mine’ and Amelia Gibbons in ‘Astonishing.’”

  • Belles (Audrey) a virtual Play-by-Play Theatre production (also editor): REVIEW
    “The players are up for these characters – so much to work with, so crazy-quilt in personalities, yet basic in ways. Mary Ehlinger gives the pliable players their head while heading them into subtle and sweet directions, such as adapting a soft Southern accent.”

  • Words Words Words (Swift) part of a weekend of digital one-acts: REVIEW
    “[…] delivered snappily by experienced teams who have performed in a rich variety of local productions.”

  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream - Virtual (Helena): REVIEW
    “All of the actors have acted before. They know what-for. A standout is Carolyn Silverberg, an expert, whose luster leaps from the screen.”

  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream - Inaugural Theatre in the Park Production (Helena)

  • Smoke on the Mountain (June Sanders) - Broadway Worlds Regional Award Winner: REVIEW
    “Some of the fun comes in what Carolyn Silverberg has to do as June, the non-singing family member […] Hearing the words a singer is singing and watching June’s interpretation is a hoot.”

  • Return to the Forbidden Planet (Bosun): REVIEW
    “Ain’t been nothing like this show put together by any local companies around these parts.”